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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Ultimate Close Quarters Combat E-Book

The Ultimate Close Quarters Combat E-Book!

Millions of people just like you, have discovered the secret to unlocking their ability to protect themselves and loved ones when faced with a multiple attacker or edged weapon combat scenario by following the 5 simple Knife Combat Imperatives in this Ultimate Survival Knife and Hand to Hand Combat E-Book.

Learn the Rules

“Don't you teach 'em knife fighting. Teach 'em to kill. That way, they meet some son of a bitch who studied knife fighting; they send his soul to hell.”
(Quote from Spartan 2004)

In so many Martial arts studios and military combative programs
dueling is taught. Dueling is what I call it when you have two people armed with edged weapons; and they go back and forth playing cat and mouse. They tag each other as if they were in a fencing session with foils. Make no mistake when you are engaged in combat against an edged weapon, this is no game. There are usually only two ways out especially with edged weapon verses edged weapon. One will go to the hospital and the other the cemetery. Dueling is not realistic and is impractical. The Principles of Destruction does not train the student to duel; in fact dueling is frowned upon. In edged weapon combat, time is of the essence. The average fight last between 5 to 15 seconds. This program is not for those weak at heart, nor the mind. These techniques require the operator to possess the will to survive. The mind set that it is either him or me. These techniques are lethal. I would like to introduce and stress the 5 imperatives in encountering and countering a knife in combat.

  1. Expect to get cut, hit or stabbed
  2. Defang the Serpent
  3. Time is of the essense
  4. Control
  5. Survival

When encountering an edged weapon, just like any other confrontation we should expect to either get struck, cut or stabbed. Once we can embrace this idea it becomes much easier to face the adversary in front of you. Having acknowledged the worst case scenario we can vanquish our fear of it thus becoming one step closer to vanquishing our enemy.

When dealing with any armed attacker we must view the attacker as that of a serpent, who wishes to strike us with its fangs. We must take the weapon away from the attacker; thus defanging the serpent. If we can defang the serpent we can render it harmless. Therefore disarming our attacker and quickly gaining control of the weapon become two more steps closer to rendering our attacker harmless.

Time is of the essence when dealing with any attacker, especially an armed attacker. The fact that the attacker is armed states that his or her intentions are to kill or at least seriously injure their victims. The more time the attacker is given the more likely they are to kill you. If we can control the weapon we can control the attacker. If we can control the attacker we are in control the situation. Remember the weapon is often a source of confidence to the attacker. Stripping the attacker of their confidence gives us the “Mental edge”. He that has the “Mental edge” is in control.

Survival is the objective. When faced against an armed adversary we value our life above all else. The sole purpose of existence turns to survival when life hangs in the balance. The life that we hold so precious becomes fragile when we find ourselves staring death in the face. Often times we don’t recognize that it could only take seconds to have our lives bled out from underneath us. It is only in the times we realize that our life is hanging by a thread that Survival becomes so important. Make no mistake this book is about SURVIVAL .


"Combat Application Techniques: Principles of Destruciton is an excellent read and is very straight forward and matter-of-fact, it's also very scientific. Andy designed these tactics for his Special Forces team, which is to say that he's factored in the clothing/ armor worn, the environment, mobility of soldiers carrying heavy equipment, exhaustion, etc. in order to make them more adaptable and easier to use, i.e. more effective. These techniques are straight from the source, which is one of the most highly trained, elite soldiers today.

You might be thinking "if the book is for soldiers in those circumstances, why do I need it?" Because if the techniques were adapted to the most extreme and difficult circumstances imaginable and proved to be effective in those conditions, it stands to reason that they will be applicable to less extreme situations that the average person may find themselves in.

In my opinion and experience in martial arts training, it's usually the simpler techniques that are effective the most often. As you progress in training, you learn more and more technique that's more and more intricate and requires more and more skill to execute. But, in a split-second, a simple movement takes less time to execute, it has fewer steps. When I've had the opportunity to work out with masters who have far more decades of experience than myself, the emphasis has always been on refining basic movements rather than learning superhuman feats.

Andy has refined and reduced these techniques to include fewer movements, to be easy to learn, easy to execute and easier to retain in itellectual memory and muscular memory. Even though I am a martial artist, I've always been a skeptic of martial arts as well. So, I don't recommend something lightly. I recommend this book. This is an excellent opportunity to learn valuable technique from one of the best!"

Discover How to end any fight in seconds, no matter how large or well trained your attacker is!

Brought to you by the Author; Andrew Curtiss

Vital Targets, whenever we hear someone say that expression our minds wander to thoughts of some old Chinese master poking an attacker with what some might call a “death touch” or Dim-Mak . The would be attacker falls to the floor clutching his heart and mysteriously dies. When I was a young teen I was introduced to Dim Mak orAcupressure point manipulation techniques by Master, Stan Hart. He used Shurite-Kempo to demonstrate these very advanced and technical techniques. I have watched and been subject to time and again the very real effects of such vital point attacks. Effects such as only a touch having the effectiveness of dropping one to the floor; helpless and at times unconscious. I remember being in awe of the efficiency of such vital attacks. I even remember laughing at the effects on certain individuals.

As the years went by I realized that although highly effective in many instances; these techniques require thousands of hours in practice and fine motor coordination. The enemy will also not hold still to allow us to strike in these precise locations. These techniques are not learned and retained quickly. When I started to develop this course I asked myself, what are the vital targets I should teach, and will they be efficient and effective enough for the soldier I was teaching to use immediately. That’s when I realized that in order for a man to fight effectively he must be able to do a handful of things.

A man must see to be able to strike his target. A man must be able to breathe in order to have the stamina to fight. A man must be able to stand on his feet to effectively engage his targets. And he must be able to wield his attacks. Realizing this I decided that the vital targets I would teach would be rudimentary and effective requiring only gross motor skills. The targets I instruct would be designed to take away the enemies fighting ability. Thus I have come up with a list of vital targets to use with the techniques previously taught. Remember Vital Targets work two ways.


There are only a limited number of ways in which you can be attacked

There are only so many ways an enemy can attack you. This system teaches that there are two general types and methods of attack. The two types of attack are direct frontal and lateral. The two methods are linear and circular. A direct frontal attack is an attack that is aimed to the front or square to the target. A lateral attack is an attack that comes laterally or to the side of the target.

There are only a limited number of ways in which you can be attacked

There are basically 9 directional attacks you can use to attack your enemy. The attack directions are vertical in both up and down directions, horizontal in both left and right directions and diagonal in all 4 directions. There is also a lunging stab. Those are the basic movements. There are also combinations of those movements. In (C.A.T.P.O.D.) those techniques are taught.

Stepping into the enemy's attack is a sure fire way to take the momentum away from a determined enemy.

Entering refers to closing the distance or gap between you and the enemy. In (C.A.T.P.O.D.) stepping in is always stressed. The brunt of your enemy’s attack always stems from the tip or end of his weapon. We may take away his advantage by simply stepping in so as to take away his leverage and momentum. In so many martial arts Dojo’s I have seen side stepping taught. Side stepping is the act of simply stepping laterally, generally to the outside of your enemy’s attack in order to avoid being struck. Side stepping is impractical and achieves little towards the goal of quickly and efficiently ending the contact between you and the enemy. This E-Book will show you that "Sure Fire" entry.

This E-book contains 5 basic techniques that the fighting men of the Special Forces, Navy SEALS, Delta Operators and Department of State Close Protection Specialists all know that will end any confrontation in seconds, and that take martial artists years to learn. I urge you to seize the opportumity right now and be among the few who truly fear no man or situation because they have mastered in minutes what takes Martial Arts Masters years.

  • How to limit the ways that you can be attacked by ANYONE!
  • The 5 Knife Combat Imperatives and how to apply them everytime!
  • The very basic and most effective knife attack techniques
  • Counters to all 9 basic knife attacks
  • The 1 technique that will bring ANY MAN DOWN!
  • Vital Point attacks
  • More....


Learn in hours and minutes what takes Martial Arts blackbelts years. Don't leave your home tonight without having first learned the 5 Imperatives necessary to Survive an armed or multiple attacker scenario. There are no time limits, weight classes or rules on the street or in combat. Take this time, to order your E-Book at this great price of only $9.99. Authorhouse offers the paperback version for $14.99 and Amazon marks it up even more. Is $9.99 too much to pay for security and peace of mind for you and your loved ones?

"I, SSG Brownfield, am a Combatives Instructor for the 18th Airborne Corps, and train thousands of soldiers to prepare them for war. I teach a variety of martial arts to include: Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and React-to-Contact Weapons Training. I have both trained and studied the work of Andrew Curtiss. His knife defense techniques are the ones I currently implement in our Soldier's hand-to-hand training. I rely a lot on his personal training, and his book, Combat Applications Techniques: Principles of Destruction. I recommend his book to anyone that needs a simple, and effective knife defense training manual."

"Survive at all cost,"
SSG Joseph Brownfield
Army Combatives Instructor

UNCONDITIONAL 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!

This E-Book is totally risk free to try. Nothing to lose, but so much to gain. And instant access...You could be learning the new Street / Combat Survival skill of knife and unarmed combat, within minutes. For example..... if you are unable to gain instant access to your E-Book after your order has been processed it's risk free.

This book is so easy to read and the techniques are so descriptive, that many Martial arts blackbelts have become upset and started a smear campaign to keep potential students from reading this book.

That's right; many "Black belt protectors" out there with sensative egos are trying hard to keep this book out of your posession. and they're not the only ones. Certain departments of the government would like it kept a secret as well. Just imagine if; martial law were declared and the average citizen had as the same leg up in close quarters combat that the Special Forces have.

You get instant access to Combat Application Techniques: Principles of Destruction in under 10 minutes through a safe and secure transaction. Right after your order is approved (usually in seconds), you will be able to download immediately. It's that easy. Best of all, you don't have to wait for days or even weeks until the mailman brings your package.

Download your copy of Combat Application Techniques: Principles of Destruction now, and begin your journey to learning the Principles of Destruction in knife and hand to hand combat. The Combat Application Techniques Ebook is a PDF file that you read immediately on your computer. Or you can print a hard copy and read it anywhere, even in bed.

Don't delay click here and order right now.

You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose!

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view your PDF file. If you don't have this installed on your computer, then you can download it for free, from the Adobe website.


The first 1,000 people to order will get a signed copy of the paperback version. That's right the first 1,000 orders will receive as part of their order an additional signed copy of the original paperback book. You must act quickly to be one of the first to order your e-book; because this offer is limited and will not last long!

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